A.B. Crentsil (1950 - )
- 1975 - named the band Sweet Talks performed at the Talk of The town in Tema
- Tema is a port town , the hotel has only about six rooms, they played in the courtyard
on Wed, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
- Training ground for great musicians
- 1975 Recorded Adam and Eve
- 1978 Phonogram asked them to provide backing tracks for a new Crusaders album, took
advantage of the extra Studio time to record their all-time classic Hollywood
Highlife Party
- Classic Highlife combining old highlife sounds from the guitar, ballroom and palm wine
- 1978 Band Breaks up. Economic decline in Ghana and particularly the political situation
curfew was imposed at 6pm every night
- 1978 Eric Agyeman records Highlife Safari
- Smart Nkansah forms Sunsum Mystic Band
- Thomas Frempong leaves and moves to London,UK
Nana Tuffour