Guitar Links
This list was created and is maintained by Alisdair MacRae Birch. If there are dead links or changes needed or you wish to submit a new site (with reciprocal link) please email me at:
General Guitar Links
Active Guitar A Great General Guitar site it's main focus is on Rock, but lots of well classified links and nicely constructed. Lessons and TAB
Ashley Mark UK Based Guitar Music Publisher and Distributor
Classic Jazz Guitar Mike Kremer's beautifully constructed site with great information on histories on many of the world's greatest jazz guitarists. A MUST visit for anyone interested in Jazz Guitar. A commercial
free site in the best traditions of the internet.
Guitar College Rich Severson's excellent home study courses. Highly recommended.
Guitar Lists Guitar Lists - The 50 Heaviest Riffs Of All Time, The Top 50 Most Influential Guitar Albums Of All Time Ever, The Guitar Magazine 30 best albums of 1997, 100 best guitar solos of all time
- Jan 1998, 10 Famous Guitar Intros, 100 Greatest Solos of all time 1998 etc.
Guitar Notes Jason Nieh's Site is probably the largest guitar directory over 5000 guitar links, 25,000+ classifieds & auctions, 100,000+ tabs & mp3s
Guitar Base GuitarMall Largest Guitar and Vintage Guitar Inventory on the Internet
Guitar4u Excellent Free guitar Lessons Formerly known as 1000 Great Guitar Sites, a gigantic listing of Guitar sites.
Guitar Main Larry Pinkerton's site for advanced Jazz players. Lots of great lessons, a must visit for all aspiring Jazz players.
Harmony Central - Guitar Resources Great list of contacts and resources
Jazz Guitar Tabs Jonathan Byrd's page features 8 tab's for Jazz Guitar
Jazz Guitar Connection A comprehensive list of links to other great Jazz Guitar Sites.
Jazz Guitar Discussion list The Jazz Guitar Discussion List
Jazz Guitar FAQ Answering all you Jazz Guitar FAQ
Jazz Guitar Online Bob Patterson's site features lessons and other good resources
Just Jazz Guitar Just Jazz Guitar Magazine site
Just Jazz Discussion list Home of the JustJazz Musicians Discussion List
String Jazz (formerly Jazz Guitar International) UK based site
The Essential Guitar Guide Practical music theory for guitar players, advert free and back online after a one-year layoff. Nice clean navigation with excellent helpful advice.
WholeNote One of the largest online sites with lessons and links
Paper Chord Software MAC only shareware software which great for teaching. You need to download the shareware Stuffit Expander to install it. Details of what to do are on Sandro Todesco's site.
The Interchart Home Page Java based Chord and Scale generator
Guitar-Pro Guitar Pro is a multi-track tablature editor for guitar, banjo and bass. Guitar Pro offers such options as listening, printing, importing and exporting MIDI and ASCII formats , transposing, transcribing
a score in standard notation, etc. Many useful functions are also available: chord diagrams, metronome, tuner, assistants, etc.