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Awards has received a number of awards for the web-site.

Golden Web Award ImageCongratulations! Alisdair MacRae Birch has been reviewed and chosen to bear the 2002-2003 Golden Web Award. All Golden Web Awards are provided through the International Association of Webmaster and Designer's.  02-06-09

StudyWeb Award ImageCongratulations! Your Music Pages have been selected as a featured site in StudyWeb as one of the best educational resources on the web by our Researchers. StudyWeb is one of the Internet's premier sites for educational resources for students and teachers. Since 1996 our professional reviewers have been scouring the Internet to select only the finest sites to be included in StudyWeb's reviews. Each site in StudyWeb includes a detailed review describing it's merits. 99-06-09

Rockin' Site Award ImageHey hey, did you know that you have a Rockin Site? And to prove it, we're giving you the coveted sought after Rockin' Site Award! We were impressed with your sites: - Layout - Design - Use of Colors - Use of Graphics. All in all, you have a really groovin site and we're honored to give you our award. Wear it proudly! Keep on rockin! Richard Soolan 02-06-07

Angry Puppy Award ImageWell, you've won our award ! That is, I showed your site to our dog Nakor, and he didn't growl, which is unusual - so you win. You see, that's how we pick winners. The name of the award is: The Angry Puppy Award It's a light hearted award that we have fun giving out. Not everyone wins believe it or not. If Nakor growls at a site (which he does quite often) that site gets the boot without hesitation! So you can be proud to have been selected by Nakor. He really does have pretty good taste usually! Have fun with it, because I sure had fun helping Nakor Judge your site! G'day, Nakor Loves Ya! 02-06-05

Devil Award ImageYou Win! You're site is now a Hot Site Award winner. We give our award out to sites that look good, load fast, serve a real purpose, don't yank us around with screwy site navigation, and that don't contain anything illegal etc. Hey, way to go! Garrett Morins. 02-06-04.

Best Of The Planet Award ImageI am pleased to inform you have been chosen for the Best of the Planet PEOPLE'S CHOICE Awards, July 1998.

The Best of the Planet Awards uses a five-star judging system for reviewing sites. Speed and ease of use, design, quality of content, timeliness, and the level of interactivity and use of technology are all equal considerations, representing one star each. The judging process
is rigorous, requiring up to five separate visits to each site, by a minimum of two different reviewers. Both high-end and low end computer equipment is used to view each site for fair judging of speed and visual elements. The resultant scores for each site are averaged, and notes are compared and merged. This process ensures objective and well-researched reviews. 2ask is an independent reviewing company. The Best Of The Planet Award Winner's List is available to the browsing public free of charge. Nominees and winning sites do not pay us for our award. Our sponsors do not have any input whatsoever as to any aspect of the content of our site outside of the terms of their advertisement. 98-07-16

The BonBon Award Image Congratulations ! You have worked very hard on this page.
Proud to link to you. 98-07-06

The Critical Mass Award ImageCongratulations !!. A very nice site, excellent design, clever original graphics, and your content is informative, entertaining, presented well and easy to access. A worthy tribute and positive contribution to the Web. Thanks for making the Web a more interesting fun and attractive place to visit. I really enjoyed my visit to your site and will return again when time permits....your site will be posted on the "Winners List" today. 98-07-16

Ravi's Award ImageCongratulations! Your Web site has been selected to win an Elite Site Award. This award signifies that your site contains quality content and has skillful design. Your site has been chosen by me, Ravi, to be an "elite" site.  98-11-26

Cheese Award ImageCongratulations on Winning! After reviewing your site I have decided to give you our award. You really have a great site! I enjoyed viewing it. Jason Pearton Golden Nugget Award 02-05-09

5Hearts Award ImageYour site scored excellent in every category I rate sites under. You have a very good site and I am very honored to give you my award. The 5 Hearts Award is only given to sites that show:

*Overall Design Quality
*Great Ability of Designer
*No porn or illegal activities
*No Warez or hackering stuff

So Congratulationz!! I am very happy to give you my award, you sure earned it! With Kindness and Love, Lisa Smotly 05-12-2002

Cheese Award ImageCongratulations on Winning! Your site is certainly news worthy and therefore you win our award! So let me be the first to congratulate you on winning our award! Congratulations, Award Staff 02-10-05

KJEM's Award ImageCongratulations ! You have won KJEM's most treasured site award, on the basis of content, artistic originality and usefulness to the internet community. 98-04-09

Majon AwardCONGRATULATIONS!!! Recently we enjoyed a very pleasant visit to your web site! It is with great pride that we announce that your web site
is a WINNER of our most esteemed Majon Web Select "SEAL OF EXCELLENCE
AWARD." (As mentioned in the Wall Street Journal.) 99-02-04

Market-Tek Design Award ImageCongratulations! After reviewing your site, we are pleased to present you with the Market-Tek Design Award! Best wishes John Skorczewski CEO Market-Tek Enterprises, Inc. 98-08-13

Snin 98 Award ImageAfter an extensive review of your site by our awards committee we found it to be creative and full of content. Congratulations you have won the "The SNIN Nominee Award." After viewing your site we believe what you offer a useful Service to the Internet community. Your site is easy to use, friendly and graphically pleasing ! Overall we believe it belongs in our list of award nominee winners. 98-07-24

The TrueStyle Award ImageCongratulations! Your site has been chosen to receive the True Style Award. We were impressed with the work you put into your site. Stacie Designs 98-07-16

USA Online Award Image Congratulations, your site's link has been moved to the top of our list and added to our Honor Page. 98-06-12